3.3 Settings screen - Manager app screens


(Fig. 0002-F6)

  1. If the manager will make a sound or not when an alert is activated.
  2. If the manager will vibrate or not when an alert is activated.
  3. After how many minutes will the manager stop alerting with sound or vibration, based on which of the previous were selected.
  4. A quick way to disable vibration and sound alerts and still receive notifications for all displays.
  5. Shorten the automatic 1 hour synchronization period between manager and server to 6 hours. 
  6. If having problems Enable debug and synchronize the manager with the server. 

(Fig. 0002-F7)

  1. If you select this setting to Yes the manager will notify of multiple triggers such as: assigning a device, unassigning a device, and more. 
  2. If you select this setting to Yes the manager will stay in the location even if there is no WiFi signal, otherwise, the manager will exit the location when there is no WiFi connection.
  3. The SmartCircle Manager app will auto-start when the device is turned on.
  4. The SmartCircle Manager app will auto-update itself through Google Play if there is an account on the device. 
  5. Enable for the dummy to be assigned through the manager to a location.