Creating campaigns for Remote DS

This guide will provide a step by step in the campaign creation process. For more information please contact your SmartCircle representative.

  • Go to in your browser and log in using your account.
  • Select Campaigns from the Marketing menu on the left of your screen.
  • Click on the Add campaign button.
  • Choose Player/s: Remote DS


Choose Device/s

  • By default, you have selected all models
  • If you wish to select one or multiple screens
    1. Switch the "All Players" toggle to off
    2. Paste the SCID of the screens you wish to send a campaign to. (Here's how you can get this ID)
    3. Click Next to go to the What tab



  1. Screen Orientation: Auto is selected by default (this implies that you must provide assets for portrait and landscape). You can also select Landscape or Portrait. 
  2. Enable Media Audio: Allows to play of sound if the videos include them.
  3. Clear Browser Cache: Pushes the flush of any cashed information to ensure that the next user doesn't continue on the previous session. 
  4. Actions 
    Select action for each of the idle, lift, and touch states of a device from the drop-down menus provided. 
  5. IDLE: Allows to display Image (not recommended), IDLE Video and Sync Video, Web or URLs, and Playlist
    1. Image: Not recommended as a single item, as it may lead to screen burn-in
    2. Video: 
      1. Idle: Single video display when device is Idle
      2. Sync Video: This type will be played at the pre-set "Intro video frequency (min)" located in the location configuration settings
    3. Web: Web page (index.html) takes a website based on folder structure and proper naming conventions.
      • To load a web folder. Press on Select folder: It will open windows explorer. Select a web folder. (Consult with your SmartCircle representative for more information on these packages)
    4. URL: This experience allows to load an external website. It requires internet connectivity.
    5. Playlists are very useful as they will allow the possibility to combine a number of different types of assets to construct a more complete Idle experience. It allows combining
      1. Image: Please note that you must set the time that the image will be displayed. We suggest no more than 6 seconds
      2. Web: Please note that you must set the time that the web experience will take.
      3. Video: The time is preset based on the video duration
  6. LIFT & TOUCH:
    1. Select Yes on Touched Same As Lifted if you want any interaction with the device to show the same media. This can be particularly useful when accessing a website or app on lift, as touching the device to interact with it will not change the media to the other state.
    2. Accepted formats and descriptions:
      • Image (png/jpg) takes an image based on folder structure and proper naming conventions.
      • Video (mp4) takes a video based on folder structure and proper naming conventions.
      • Web
      • URL 
      • Device Home Screen will close all media currently playing on the device so users can access the home screen. (only Android)
      • Launch another app on the device allows for the device to open an already installed app. (only Android)
      • Disabled is only available for the Lift and Touch actions and ensures that whatever action is active when the device is Idle, is continued even if customers interact with the device. (only Android)
    3. Click next to go to the Where tab.
      1. The package will be store in SmartCircle´s cloud
      2. You can also select other repositories to store your campaigns. (Google Drive, FTP, etc). For more information please contact us

Campaigns step 3


  1. Select All locations to ensure your campaign plays everywhere. (Scr. 0021-09)
    1. To have your campaign active in specific locations, unclick the All locations box and start typing your location name in the box. The tabs at the top allow for a narrowing down so it is easier to find a specific one if you do not know the name or location key. 
    2. You can also select a location by country, city, region, address or category.
  2. Click next to go to the When tab.

Campaigns step 4


  1. Select All day if the campaign will be active for all 24 hours in a day. 
  2. If unselected specify times in the above Recurring Time slots as to when the campaign starts and ends. Timeslot uses the 24-hour clock.
  3. Use the calendar to select the start and end date of your campaign. 
  4. Double-check that you have the start and end times selected.
    1. Ensure that you click Apply from the popup provided.

When you create campaigns to be active in less than 24hrs, the system will give a warning message. You must agree to this before proceding.

  1. Click next to go to the Details tab. 

Campaigns step 5


At any point during the creation process, you can also look at the summary box on the right to double-check all of your information. The data is added to this box once you complete a tab by clicking the next button.

  1. Name your campaign, then add a description and code to help you keep track of your campaigns.
  2. Select Yes on Active to ensure your campaign runs on the designated times, dates, locations, and devices. 
  3. Select Yes on Default Campaign to make this new campaign your default one.
  4. Click Finish.

Campaigns step 6

We recommend that you schedule campaigns to start 24 hours from creation. Please be aware that media package size, network speed, number of displays in a location, and time zone differences will affect the start time. New campaigns will become active on the next day or designated date in the future. Copied campaigns will become active on the original start date or any designated date following it.