User Guide - Enroll an Android device to a fixture and position


The following steps are necessary to assign the device to a specific position and fixture if the device was enrolled with a General QR code or basic installation.

The device must have an internet connection to download campaigns and pick up security configurations.


  1. Open Display 4
    1. If the application doesn't immediately show you information about the device, then the device has already been assigned to a position and fixture. Access the enrollment page and confirm that you can see the device in one of your planogram positions.
    2. If the app displays a list of information with no location, fixture, position, nor campaign, tap the Enroll this device button. display4-no_location
  2. Enter the ten (10) digits enrollment code and click Validate.
  3. Select the fixture and position.
position and fixture

Make sure that the position is empty unless this device is intended to replace another device.

  • *If there is a specific SKU ID for the device:
      1. Tap the SKU dropdown
      2. Select the specific SKU for the device
        SKU SKU select

4.  Tap Assign.

Now Display 4 should show you the current information about the mobile device. Including a location, fixture, position, and possibly a campaign*.


*The campaign might take some time to update, depending on the speed of the internet connection.

**Note: On some devices (mostly Huawei) the SmartCircle app is hidden from the launcher for additional security. To access the app open SmartCircle RM, then click the button to open Display.
