User Guide - How to swap a device using a QR code

This process is used to add an Android device to the planogram in a position where another device is currently assigned. It can be done with a brand new device being taken to the location or using another assigned device. 

  1. Disarm the Android device currently assigned to a position in your location and access the Display app main screen. (note: must be running build 4.145 or newer)
    1. For devices with a basic install, select the Enroll this device button then select Scan QR.
  2. Scroll down to view the Swap QR code.
  3. Prepare your secondary device to be assigned to that position.
    1. Follow the steps for QR code deployment from your onboarding guide.
    2. IMPORTANT: scan the QR code from the device currently assigned to the position and location instead of from the enrollment page or onboarding manual.

Note: if you are using a device that was previously assigned to another position, it will be unassigned from there before being added to the new position and location

Display app (Android) user guide | SM-SC-0222 | Rev. 1